
jq255e and jq255s

The following open-source implementations of jq255e and jq255s are available:

  • Reference implementation in Python:

    This implementation is only for reference purposes; it computes correct values, but does so in a sub-optimal way and, crucially, is not free of timing-based side channels, since it relies on Python's big integers.

    This repository includes comprehensive test vectors for curves do255e and do255s (both low-level operations such as point addition, and high-level functionalities: key exchange, signature, hash-to-curve). The script that generates these vectors leverages the Python implementation.

  • Rust implementation:

    Jq255e and jq255s are implemented by the crrl library, in the jq255e and jq255s modules, respectively:

    The code includes a 32-bit and a 64-bit backends. No assembly is used. On x86 systems, intrisic functions are used for additions and subtractions with carry propagation, but the code also works on non-x86 targets. This is the implementation of jq255e and jq255s that currently offers the best performance. It is fully constant-time for all secret data.

  • C implementation:

    A stand-alone C implementation of jq255e and jq255s is provided in:

    The C code provides the high-level operations (keygen, sign, verify, ECDH key exchange) but does not export generic group operations in its API. This code is meant for easy integration in applications, with a limited number of source code files, no external dependency, and no dynamic memory allocation. All the code is constant-time for all secret data. Its performance is close to that of the Rust crrl implementation.

  • Go implementation:

    The Go implementation is considered correct and secure; all the code is strictly constant-time. It is pure Go code that should run on any supported Go platform. It internally uses 64-bit types with math/bits functionalities (especially Add64(), Sub64() and Mul64()) which provide decent performance in a portable way on 64-bit platforms.

do255e and do255s

We list here the original implementations of do255e and do255s. Generally speaking, jq255e and jq255s are now preferred, since they offer better performance. These older implementations will be converted to jq255e and jq255s in the future.

The following open-source (MIT license) implementations of curves do255e and do255s are available:

  • Reference implementation in Python:

    This implementation is only for reference purposes; it computes correct values, but does so in a sub-optimal way and, crucially, is not free of timing-based side channels, since it relies on Python's big integers.

    This repository includes comprehensive test vectors for curves do255e and do255s (both low-level operations such as point addition, and high-level functionalities: key exchange, signature, hash-to-curve). The script that generates these vectors leverages the Python implementation.

  • Go implementation:

    The Go implementation is considered correct and secure; all the code is strictly constant-time. It is pure Go code that should run on any supported Go platform. It internally uses 64-bit types with math/bits functionalities (especially Add64(), Sub64() and Mul64()) which provide decent performance in a portable way on 64-bit platforms.

  • C and assembly implementations:

    This repository contains some extensive demonstration code in C and assembly:

    • C code (with 64-bit intrinsics) for 64-bit x86
    • C code with some inline assembly for 64-bit x86 with BMI2 and ADX opcodes (e.g. Intel Skylake and later cores)
    • C code (with 32-bit intrinsics) for 32-bit x86
    • Assembly code for ARM Cortex M0+
    • Assembly code for ARM Cortex M4

    While this implementation was written for research and demonstration purposes, it follows APIs and conventions appropriate for general inclusion in applications. All the code is strictly constant-time. This is the code that was used for the benchmarks reported in the whitepaper.